Autonomous Learning Clases March 21st and 23rd


Learning Styles VAK  (March 21)

The term “learning styles” speaks to the understanding that every student learns differently. Technically, an individual’s learning style refers to the preferential way in which the student absorbs, processes, comprehends and retains information.

There are three kinds of learning styles:

Following are some key differences in the three learning styles –

Visual (spatial):You prefer using pictures, images, and spatial understanding.

Aural (auditory-musical): You prefer using sound and music.

Physical (kinesthetic): You prefer using your body, hands and sense of touch.

Class activities:

- Topic Videos
- Slides explained by the teacher
- Each student did an individual test, which was then socialize with peers with the same ability, documenting more about it.  (
- In groups of three students we read the document "What is Learner Autonomy and How Can It Be Fostered?" And we solved questions about the subject.

My personal opinion:

Each person is different, every time we work, we study etc. learning styles help us with this, so we can understand what tools or techniques we can use to be more efficient and effective in the activities we do everyday.

Web 2.0 (March 23rd)

The term Web 2.0 or Web Social1 includes those websites that facilitate information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design and collaboration on the World Wide Web.

A Web 2.0 site allows users to interact and collaborate with each other, as content creators, in a virtual community. Examples of Web 2.0 are web communities, web services, web applications, social networking services, video hosting services, wikis, blogs, mashups and folksonomies.

Web 2.0 is characterized mainly by the participation of the user as a taxpayer and not only as a viewer of the contents of the Web (passive user). This is reflected in how:

The rise of blogs.
The rise of social networks.
Websites created by users, using self-editing platforms.
Content added by users as the key value of the Web.
Collective labeling (folklore, social markers ...).
The importance of the long tail.
The perpetual beta: Web 2.0 is invented permanently.
Dynamic web applications.
The World Wide Web as a platform.

Class activities:

- We create a blog by the tool blogger, where every week we will be uploading small summaries of classes, two entries of the dates.

My personal opinion:

For me, the blog that we will be doing is a great tool to document our classes and for those classmates who could not attend the class, it is a way to get ahead and learn too.


  1. Great information about the whole topic !!!



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