Autonomous Learning Clases April 4th and 6th

Skills for study or for learning (April 4th)

Study skills are the skills you need to enable you to study and learn efficiently – they are an important set of transferable life skills.


The following are characteristics of a successful student.           


Develop these in yourself                            Ask questions
Discuss topics with your peers                     If you don’t understand something,
speak up

You are responsible for your own learning

‘Ideas are funny things, they don’t work unless you do’
‘Learning is not filling the bucket, but the lighting of the fire’


Study sessions just don’t happen when you feel like doing them.
They need to be scheduled on an organised timetable.
Your study timetable should rule your life.

Some tips

Don’t study after 11.00pm

Divide time equally between subjects

Put a copy somewhere to keep parents informed

Revise your study timetable – things change

Stick to it !

“Well done is better than well said”


How do you study?
What are you supposed to do?

Study has 3 parts
Organising subject matter efficiently
Getting ongoing day to day work and assignments done
Researching and revising work for exams

Don’t make study sessions too long
Drink some water before you start
Break tasks down into smaller manageable ones
Do daily summaries of work covered in class in your own words under Main Points
Set a task to achieve for each session

Record your plan of attack for each session
Practise skills learned by doing problems, exercises and essays
Aim to build a clear understanding by connecting areas of knowledge
These sessions are the backbone of your Study Programme

‘ Some succeed because they are destined to: 
      most succeed because they are determined to.’

When do you study?
How often?
What about the other things you do?

Write down :
The fixed things that you have to do

Time you have no control over – the ‘musts’

Activities where you have a choice of the ‘options’

How Can I Study More Effectively (April 6th)

If you know how to study more effectively, you'll be able to learn more, improve your performance on tests, and to make the most of every minute you spend studying. Learning to study more effectively means understanding what works best for you, and taking advantage of your strengths as a student to excel in school. If you'd like to know how to study more effectively, follow these easy steps.


Duolingo is a free language-learning platform that includes a language-learning website and app, as well as a digital language proficiency assessment exam. Duolingo offers all its language courses free of charge. As of November 2016, the language-learning website and app offer 68 different language courses across 23 languages, with 22 additional courses in development. The app is available on iOS, Android and Windows 8 and 10 platforms with about 150 million registered users across the world

Is a platform of teletraining designed for online learning of different subjects.
In addition, they offer courses with a great variety of interactive exercises, supported by a teaching team with multidisciplinary training.
